Biblical Counseling · Manhood/Hombres · Singleness


Recuerdo vívidamente haber leído el mensaje. Era amable pero firme, honesta pero gentil. Ella me dijo que le estaba enviando señales contradictorias sobre si estaba interesado en ella o no. Tuvimos una conversación telefónica que no duró mucho y quedé con mi corazón expuesto y la verdad revelada. No había cuidado bien de mi hermana en Cristo. En lugar de ir tras su corazón, tenía un problema creciente en el mío. Mira, esta mujer piadosa y yo teníamos un interés mutuo y queríamos conocernos más. Sin embargo, después de unos meses de entablar conversación, le dije que solo me interesaba ser amigos. Sin embargo, seguí coqueteando con ella y eso nos llevó a tener esta conversación telefónica.

El problema de mi corazón no era que no disfrutara nuestros momentos de conexión. No es que no la encontrara atractiva. Por el contrario, encontré que era un placer comunicarme con esta mujer piadosa y que era hermosa por dentro y por fuera. Mi problema era que tenía miedo. Ella y yo vivíamos a dos horas de distancia. Sabía que si las cosas avanzaban tendría que enfrentar cambios y compromisos. Además, reconocí la realidad del rechazo si las cosas no funcionaban. Por esas razones, tomé la decisión de que quería seguir siendo solo amigos, incluso cuando todavía quería más. Como resultado, jugué con los sentimientos de mi hermana en Cristo y fui pasivo en mi interés por ella.

Sospecho que no estoy solo en esta lucha. He conocido a otros hermanos cristianos que se enfrentan al miedo de perderse algo en cuanto a relaciones de noviazgo, siempre preguntándose si tal vez aparecerá alguien mejor. También he hablado con otros hermanos que no se involucran en una posibles conversaciones sobre noviazgo o cortejo por miedo al rechazo. Lo que todos necesitamos es exponer nuestros temores y alentar nuestra fe para cortejar a mujeres piadosas.

Un Miedo que Juega

El primer miedo que debemos abordar es el miedo que juega con los corazones de las mujeres. Este temor se expresa cuando nosotros, como hombres, mostramos un interés inicial en una mujer e incluso comenzamos a formar una relación emocional con ella solo para fallar en definir la relación. Tal vez esto se deba a que le tememos al compromiso, pero también puede ser que tememos perdernos de algo más. A veces tratamos de razonar: Si me comprometo con esta persona, podría estarme perdiendo de alguien que considero “mejor”. Este es un problema acentuado con la era de las aplicaciones de citas en línea. Podemos deslizar el dedo tantas veces como queramos de las posibles personas con las que estariamos interesados ​​​​en conversar. El problema es que tales aplicaciones pueden contribuir a una mentalidad de buscar siempre algo, o alguien, mejor. Si no tenemos cuidado, usar estas aplicaciones de citas pueden llevarnos a objetivizar a otros. No vemos a la mujer del perfil como una hermana en Cristo para conocer sino como una persona para satisfacer nuestras necesidades. En otras palabras, fallamos en aplicar 1 Timoteo 5:2, ver a las “mujeres jóvenes como hermanas, con toda pureza”.

Un Miedo que Conduce a la Pasividad

Un segundo tipo de miedo hacia una relación de noviazgo con una mujer que es de naturaleza más sutil es el miedo que conduce a la pasividad. Este miedo se expresa cuando no logramos iniciar ninguna conversación potencial con una mujer debido al miedo al rechazo. He tenido hermanos cristianos que han compartido cómo han sido lastimados en el pasado y no están seguros de querer pasar por la posibilidad del rechazo nuevamente. Y lo entiendo, este es un miedo que yo mismo conozco muy bien. Puedo recordar en mi juventud recibir solo un “No” como respuesta de las chicas cuando encontraba el coraje para invitarlas a salir. A lo largo de mis años de soltero, me abstuve de invitar a salir a hermanas en Cristo porque temía escuchar “¡No!” Quería tener la seguridad de que una de ellas diría: “¡Sí!” incluso antes de preguntarle. El problema que tuve, y tenemos como hombres cuando nos entregamos a este miedo, es que queremos certeza sin correr el riesgo de ser rechazados. Porque queremos saber la respuesta antes de preguntar, queremos ser cortejados en lugar de ser los que cortejen. Ahí está la cuestión. Respondemos con miedo en lugar de responder con fe.

Una Fe que Corteja

Querido hermano soltero, si vas a responder con fe, debes enfrentar tus miedos. El miedo que lleva a jugar es la falta de confianza en la soberanía de Dios. En lugar de mirar siempre a la siguiente chica, mira a quién el Señor ya ha puesto delante de ti. No tienes que seguir deslizando perfiles incansablemente o buscando a la mujer “mejor” y perfecta, porque ella no existe. La perfección solo se encuentra en Jesucristo. Es por medio de Jesucristo, también, que tú y yo aprendemos cómo cortejar a una hermana teniendo fe. El matrimonio debe ser un reflejo de Cristo y la iglesia (ver Efesios 5:22-33). Cristo inicia y va tras la iglesia, no al revés. Cristo se sacrifica por la iglesia a pesar del rechazo que enfrentó de ella en ese momento. Un hombre que desea reflejar a Cristo de esta manera no puede demostrar que está listo una vez que ya ha entrado en la relación matrimonial, sino que debe mostrar este liderazgo y sacrificio en el proceso de cortejar a una mujer.

Hermano, ten una fe que busca confiar en la soberanía de Dios compromentiéndote a conocer a una mujer, y estando dispuesto a definir la relación. Ten una fe que corteja aún si eso significa arriesgarse al rechazo al tener la iniciativa de invitar a salir a una mujer piadosa. Si el miedo al rechazo se materializa, recuerda que en el sufrimiento de un “no”, tenemos el consuelo de estar conociendo más íntimamente a Cristo (Filipenses 3:10). Ten una fe que busca asumir la responsabilidad, dada por Dios, de cuidar a tu hermana en Cristo por sobre todo.

Fue esa conversación telefónica con mi hermana en Cristo que me animó a tener una fe que corteja. Desde ese momento, decidí no permitir que el miedo me impidiera comprometerme en una relación o arriesgarme a un rechazo. En la providencia del Señor, fue esta hermana en Cristo a quien decidí cortejar y con la que deseaba tener una relación. Mi miedo al rechazo se hizo realidad, pero continué confiando en la soberanía del Señor mientras Él me daba oportunidades para cortejarla. En Su bondad, después de algunos giros y vueltas en la historia, la mujer, Ester, se convirtió en mi esposa. Y doy gracias al Señor cada día porque enfrenté mis miedos y tuve suficiente fe para cortejarla. Quiero animarte, querido hermano soltero, a que hagas lo mismo.

Esta publicación apareció originalmente en Tasting the Ocean.

Biblical Counseling · Manhood · Manhood/Hombres · Singleness

Dear Single Brother, Be Honest

“Sweet and sanctifying.” This is my typical response to people who ask me how my first year of marriage to Esther has been. Marriage has been the sweetest as I have been blessed with a godly and beautiful wife. I have experienced intimacy on the deepest level. At the same time, marriage has been sanctifying because it has exposed my heart and revealed indwelling sin and issues that need to be addressed. I am thankful in my singleness I sought to pursue holiness, display humility, live honestly, practice hospitality, and value humor. However, I was surprised how one of those characteristics showed up in my marriage.

Honesty and Identity

I knew as I prepared for marriage, I would need to be committed to holiness. My relationship with the Lord needs to be first and foremost. I also knew to have a relationship meant to display humility, admitting when I was wrong and asking for forgiveness. To enter this most sacred covenant, I knew I would need to open my heart in hospitality and not take myself too seriously but laugh too. Yet, one unexpected turn I took was understanding what living honestly truly meant.

In my singleness, I viewed this characteristic of honesty as being truthful in the words I speak and transparent in the life I live. I have seen that played out in marriage. If I am asked a question about how I feel, I need to give an honest answer. If my conscience is bothering me over a rude comment I’ve made to Esther, I need to confess that to the Lord and my wife. However, there was one element of living honestly I had not considered and found it to be the hardest to speak to my wife to: my insecurity.

It began as my wife and I began talking about past relationships. I started comparing myself to some of the other brothers in Christ we were discussing. I’ve jokingly said, “My selling point was never my looks; it was my character”. Yet, it was that sentiment that led me to struggling with insecurity with my looks. Being around some of those brothers in Christ, it was hard not to see how my insecurity was coming to the surface. Even in the covenant and commitment of marriage, I found myself struggling over how I stacked myself to these other guys. Each time, my wife could tell something was up, and I faced with a moment of truth. I could either admit my insecurity or I could make light of it. The former would be good for my marriage. The latter would hinder it.

The problem of insecurity is, among other things, an issue of identity. I not only saw this in relationships but with work. For the first year of our marriage, my wife and I both worked. In the Lord’s goodness, He provided my wife with a full-time job while I was working at a part-time job with nearly full-time hours. When the news came we were pregnant and expecting our first child, my wife shared the desire to stay at home with the baby. I knew the responsibility God had entrusted to me to provide as the leader of my home (Genesis 2:15; Ephesians 5:25; 1 Thessalonians 5:8). I could not abdicate my role and excuse any passiveness with “God is sovereign and will provide” with this new season approaching. It is true God is sovereign, but rather than using that truth to neglect my responsibility, it was an encouragement to trust God’s providence in all situations and depend upon Him. God had purposefully placed my wife and I in a position where I was being called to be the provider He had called me to be. 

That is when my desire as the husband to be the provider rose in my heart. That desire led to intense job searches and interviews. With each empty search or ended interview, I was discouraged with the kind of provider I was being to my wife and baby boy. It was in that time of insecurity a friend reminded me that while my biblical responsibility as husband is to be a provider, my primary identity is found in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 3:8-9), not in whether or not I am a sufficient provider by my own standards.

Identity in Him

My friend’s reminder is a good piece of advice for single and married people alike. I was surprised to be faced with my insecurities in marriage, but I shouldn’t have been. Why? Because those were the same type of insecurities I brought in from my singleness. I remember the rejections and feeling like I was not nice-looking enough or good enough for the godly woman I was trying to pursue. I can recall the times where my heart was either high with joy or low with depression over whether or not there was a prospective relationship at hand. My problem was my identity was focused on a relationship with a woman rather than on my relationship with the Lord. Such is idolatry and must be confessed (Exodus 20:3; 1 John 1:9).

One of the biggest struggles as a single is to place your identity in whether or not you have a significant other. The lack of a romantic relationship includes feelings of insecurity, of not being good enough. That is why many unmarrieds see singleness as a season of survival. When unmarrieds take counsel in God’s Word and see their insecurities do not define them, then they can see clearly that their identity is not who they have as a potential spouse, but their identity is in their Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. When singles see their identity in Christ, they can rejoice in the midst of their season of singleness because it provides them undivided devotion to the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). The pursuit of holiness means being honest with the Lord. The display of humility reveals who we really are. Honesty speaks to how we then need to live those out in our lives.

The friend who encouraged me to remember my identity is primarily found in Christ, not in being a provider, is an unmarried man who has taught me much about admitting insecurity and living honestly. His piece of advice is the counsel I give as a newlywed to singles: your identity is primarily in Christ, not in who you are romantically involved with. As a single who constantly faces rejection to an unmarried person who wonders if their significant other will ever make the commitment to marriage, insecurities will come. It is important to be honest about them. Cry out to the Lord, be honest with yourself about them, and confess them to your significant other as appropriate. Don’t expect insecurities to leave once you get married. The truth that your identity is found in Christ is the same truth you will need to remember then as you need to remember now.

This post originally appeared on Tasting the Ocean.

Christian Living · Dating · Singleness

Be The Type You’re Looking For

For the single and searching, the lyrics of U2 find their place, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”. For the single and pursuing, the response, “You’re just not my type!” stings and leaves the heart sick. Whether you relate and resonate more with the first group or the second group, the common denominator is they both address the kind of person someone desires to be with in a relationship. Yet, questions abound for the Christian single: How does Scripture inform the characteristics you are looking for in a potential spouse? Furthermore, before you even begin a pursuit, do you know what type of person you are? With these two questions in mind, I believe Scripture encourages us to be the type of person we are looking for and to search for someone who is committed to the same characteristics. What characteristics define such a person? Holiness, humility, honesty, hospitality, and humor.

Pursue Holiness

This first characteristic may best be summed up by the saying, “Run as fast as you can toward God, and if someone keeps up, introduce yourself.” But what does it look like to run toward God? 1 Peter 1:15–16 helps us out here by pointing us to the character of God, “but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” Our holy God commands us as His followers to imitate Him in this way. To pursue a life of holiness means not living for self-comfort but living to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ. The one who pursues holiness will prioritize time with God in Scripture and through prayer as well as commitment to the local church. Therefore, in your life reflect the character of God and seek someone committed to the same.

Display Humility

The reality is we all fall short of this first characteristic. Holiness doesn’t mark every moment of our lives. The second characteristic takes this into account. Our response when we sin is not to give up on pursuing holiness or to simply try harder. Our response when we fail in this pursuit of holiness is to look to Jesus Christ. The cross of Christ reminds us we are not justified by our own righteousness or holiness. We are saved by the grace of God through the person and work of Jesus Christ in the gospel. It is this truth of the gospel that produces a repentant heart and a teachable spirit to those who receive it. It is the gospel that enables each of us as believers to display humility in our thoughts, words, and actions. To display humility, first and foremost, means to submit to the authority of God’s Word. Submissive to God’s Word, humility among human relationships mean to listen and learn before speaking up, to “be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:19). Humility shows up in the midst of conflict as well. The display of humility in the midst of conflict leads to repentance, “Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you” (James 4:9–10). A mind of humility strives to be like Christ, thinking of others and looking to other’s interests first and God’s glory ultimately (Philippians 2:1–11). As you pray to God for someone who displays humility, plead with Him to give you a humble heart in the process.

Speak Honestly

The gospel not only changes our attitudes; the gospel also changes our words. After introducing the subject of the new life in Christ, the Apostle Paul begins to detail what this new life looks like, “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another” (Ephesians 4:25). While the immediate context is to the church, the principle can be applied to any interaction we have with others. Speaking honestly means more than just not lying; speaking honestly means speaking truthfully as well as speaking transparently. As trust is an essential ingredient in any relationship, if you see the importance of honesty in a future spouse and relationship, then commit yourself to being a person who will speak the truth when inquired and confronted and who will speak with transparency for the sake of accountability.

Practice Hospitality

Being the type of person you are looking for is about more than simply a man pursuing a woman. It is about having an outward-focused life and making disciples. The practice of hospitality is one such avenue to both evangelize to the lost and build up believers in the faith. Hospitality is about having an open heart and home. One of the qualifications for a church leader, someone who is to be an example to the flock they oversee, is that they be hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2). 1 Peter 4:9 tells us how we are to do this, “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling”. The person who practices hospitality opens their heart to others and welcomes them into their life. If your hope is to be with someone who cares for others, then make sure you are someone who is practicing an others-oriented life.

Value Humor

If you are striving to be the type you are looking for by pursuing these first four characteristics, then you are doing well. But I believe one necessary characteristic remains: humor. While Scripture may not explicitly uphold this characteristic on the same level as the previous four characteristics, humor still has an important place in a relationship. Proverbs 31:25 mentions laughter and Proverbs 17:22 values a joyful heart as good medicine. Having a sense of humor and finding someone with the same value allows you to joke around and laugh together during the high and low seasons of life.

Christian single, as you look for a person who exhibits these five characteristics, prepare yourself to be the type who pursues holiness, displays humility, speaks honestly, practices hospitality, and values humor. Be the type you are looking for.